2014 / 2015 School Year Enrollment

We are now accepting enrollment into our 2014-2015 School Year Program! Please download and fill out the appropriate form for your child(ren), then call our offices at 408-356-3211 to complete the registration process.

Enrollment Forms:

Ranch House Infant and Toddler Enrollment Form (pdf)
(Ages 6 wks - 2 yrs)

Ranch House Preschool Enrollment Form (pdf)
(Ages 2 - 4 yrs)

Cottage House Preschool Enrollment Form (pdf)
(Ages 2.9 - 5 yrs)

Cottage House Kindergarten After-school Enrollment Form (pdf)
(Entering Kindergarten in the Fall; Ages 5 - 6 yrs)

Cottage House Elementary/Middle School After-school Enrollment Form (pdf)
(Entering first grade and above in the Fall; 6 - 12 yrs)

Forms for currently enrolled students:

Drop In Request Form (pdf)
(Use this form when you want to schedule a "drop-in" care day that is not usually scheduled for your child.)

Schedule Change Form (pdf)
(Use this form when you need to change your ongoing Peppertree School schedule.)


Enrollment Process

Peppertree School enrolls children year-round, depending on availability. In order to help simplify the process, here's a typical admissions procedure:

1. Review our website for all the information you need and to answer any questions you may have.

2. Call us to discuss availability for your child(ren) and to set up a time for a 30-minute tour of our sites to see which site would best suit your child's needs. After your initial tour you are welcome to come visit the school anytime during normal business hours. Please feel free to bring your child. You will receive a tour packet with an admissions form and policies for your review.

3. Once you have made the decision to enroll, we require one month's tuition deposit (fully refundable with 30-day's paid / written notice) in order to secure your child's placement in our school. We will then give you a parent handbook and the remaining admissions paperwork for you to complete and return to us before your child's first day.

4. After you have enrolled your child, we encourage frequent visits to allow time for adjustment and to increase comfort with their surroundings before their first day.

5. On your child's first day, we will walk with you to show you and your child his/her cubby and where to put his/her lunchbox and bedding. We will then take you to the classroom to introduce your child to his/her teacher. We will help to make your child's first day exciting and fun, while offering a warm and loving place away from home.

Please note: Here at Peppertree School of Los Gatos we have a no tolerance discrimination policy. No person, child or adult shall be discriminated against regardless of, but not limited to, religion, gender, age, race, political opinion, potty training, physical appearance or any other area that may apply.

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